Rod has extensive experience in working with adults, teenagers, and children. He has a particular interest in assisting in recovery from depression, anxiety, phobias, OCD, religious or spiritual value conflicts, sexual concerns (particularly LGBT issues and compulsive sexual behaviors), and gender issues. Rod is also specialized in diagnostic and learning disability testing.Rod holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology. He completed his internship with rotations in children’s inpatient treatment, psychological diagnosis and testing, and forensic psychology. At his internship he worked primarily with children’s behavioral issues, autism, learning disabilities, drug and alcohol addiction, spousal abuse treatment and recovery, and community mental health. Additionally, as part of his internship, Rod focused in diagnostic clarification, assisting other psychologists in determining an exact diagnosis and recommending appropriate treatment plans. Before his internship Rod worked for two years in a college counseling center and, along with seeing individual clients for various issues, he ran various groups on sexual concerns and anxiety.His treatment modalities include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which is a qualitative approach to dealing with uncomfortable emotions, and Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy (REBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Thinking (CBT), which focuses on correcting problematic thinking and behavior.Rod is a native of Santiago Chile but has lived in Utah since 2009. As a native Spanish-speaker, Rod brings a unique perspective to multicultural therapy. Rod completed his undergraduate and graduate work at programs in the United States. He is equally comfortable with different therapeutic modalities in English and Spanish.
My services are billable to the insurance companies listed below. Please call them to verify coverage as your plan may have restrictions. Contact our office for other payment options.
Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Beacon, Cigna, Deseret Mutual (DMBA), Educators Mutual (EMI), First Health,
Select Health *NOT ALL NETOWRKS, Motiv Health, MultiPlan, Public Employee Health Plan (PEHP),
PHCS, University of Utah Health Plan (UNI), Tricare, Wise
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