Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Alan's experience spans many years of working with anxiety, depression, OCD, addictions, personality disorders, eating disorders, profound grief/loss, single episode and complex PTSD, and various trauma. Working with at-risk youth and in a school district as a school psychologist gave him many opportunities to work effectively with youth. Alan treats with CBT and EMDR.
Alan's primary goal is to help restore the power of the individual to the individual. It is challenging to create ourselves to our true selves until we uncreate the thinking and believing that is causing our distress because "whatever we resist, persists." Alan works to empower those to see acceptance as a possible way out of their distress by identifying and understanding their true control in their life and any given situation. This process then begins to dissolve the old thinking and responses that lead to further distress. Alan's approach centers on helping those heal by identifying and understanding the source of their struggle and then changing the perception of the distress. We cannot change the outer event, past, or others. But by providing practical tools to create improved thought, words, and action, one can change the inner experience.
My services are billable to the insurance companies listed below. Please call them to verify coverage as your plan may have restrictions. Contact our office for other payment options.
Deseret Mutual (DMBA), Educators Mutual (EMI), Motiv Health, Public Employee Health Plan (PEHP),
Select Health *NOT ALL NETOWRKS, Wise
Virtual Only
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday